“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” ~ Pablo Picasso
The last four years have gone by remarkably fast. Reflecting on those years is a great way to figure out our direction (which is good since we have a strategic planning committee meeting tomorrow), what has worked, what hasn’t and what still needs improvement. The amazing thing is that our values and mission have never wavered but our ability to articulate and fine tune them has improved. We continue to provide support to pediatric cancer families with a focus on the caregivers. Our idea is by supporting them, we are helping the entire family. Through those years, the way we provide support has shifted a bit but in very positive ways. We were really winging it in the beginning, making only ‘heart’ decisions but now we are able to make good, solid business decisions with heart in mind. Our ability to do both is based on a strong, capable board who supports and respects our mission and me!
Our next few blog posts will focus on our changes and growth. Hopefully, we can show newer FGP supporters how we got to where we are this very moment, share the changes & improvements through the years and also share a bit about what is next for us! There are big things in store for FGP and we are so thankful to have each of you along for the ride!