
“She was a breath of fresh air. she took on this cancer with such a good spirit and she got tough fast. She was extremely well-read and investigative about what was going on but yet always looking for when she was going to get better and what life is going to be like after she gets through treatment and has cancer behind her. A friend of mine I worked at University with emailed me and said there’s a organization and she said they are looking for families and they help families with pediatric cancer child and she directed me to the website, We were pretty tired at that point but at that point she was a senior and just trying to get through school just had so much going on and it was great to just be able to have life continue at home as we knew it like the house getting cleaned and the grass being cut and no food showing up at your door and gas cards because we were spending hundreds of dollars going to the Children’s National Medical Center in DC. I always say it was the game changer.